Free FIFA Laws of the Game Quiz and Tests for Referees, Coaches, Players and Fans
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A score of 90-100% (Excellent)
A score of 80-89% (Good)
A score of 70-79% (Average)
A score of 0-69% (Poor)

** Use to prepare for the USSF Grade 8+ Referee test or AYSO Referee tests.

Tests using video clips. Refresh page for new set of video tests.
NEWS: The 133st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The IFAB was held in March 2019 and approved the 2019/2020 modifications to the Laws of the game which took effect on June 1, 2019. A number of changes were approved including: (A) the introduction of yellow and red cards for misconduct by team officials (B) a player being substituted having to leave the field of play at the nearest point on the boundary line (C) at a goal kick and a free kick for the defending team in their own penalty area, the ball is in play once it is kicked, i.e. it does not have to leave the penalty area (D) clearer wording for ‘handball’ (E) attacking team players must be at least 1m away from a ‘defensive wall’ (F) the goalkeeper only has to have one foot on the goal line at a penalty kick (G) a new dropped ball procedure
Due to the large number of change its going to take a while for this site to be updated with the latest law modifications.

Click here for a summary of the 2019/2020 law changes is not associated with FIFA, USSF or AYSO. Publications and Trademarks referenced in this site are the property of their respective owners.
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** Use to prepare for the New Zealand Football NZF Referee tests
Level 1 to Level 5 or just to refresh/strengthen your knowledge

** Use to prepare for the Canadian Soccer Referee tests - District, Regional, Provincial+. Entry Level, Upgrading or just to refresh/strengthen your knowledge

** Use to prepare for Football Referee tests or just to refresh/strengthen your knowledge

** Use to prepare for the Football Association of Ireland FAI Referee tests. Beginner to Senior Level+ or just to refresh/strengthen your knowledge

** Use to prepare for the Football Association FA Referee tests.
From basic to advanced level or just to refresh/strengthen your knowledge

** Use to prepare for the USSF Grade 8+ Referee test or AYSO Referee tests.